Mr. Suraj’s case meeting


The late Mr. Suraj
On March 25, 2010, Mr. Abubakar Awudu Suraj, of Ghana citizenship, was found dead during deportation to Ghana. Mr. Suraj’s death was most likely due to a conduct of immigration officers, and last December, case files of ten immigration officers who were involved in this incident were sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

To find out the process that lead to Mr. Suraj’s death and the truth of this case, APFS and Mr. Suraj’s family and friends and lawyers have worked together and have turned in documents of request concerning this case to the Ministry of Justice, and have marched down streets to let people know about this incident.

At this meeting, since an year and a half has passed since the incident, we will look back the process of this case, and lawyers will verify how this case will proceed, and share the problems that Mr. Suraj’s death has made clear for the society.

Death during process of deportation should never take place. To remember the importance of this incident, we wish that many people would take in consideration about this problem. We sincerely wish for your participation.

Date:August 28, 2011(Sunday)6PM~8PM
Place:Toshima District Seikatu-Sangyo-Plaza (7 min. walk from Ikebukuro Station East Exit)
Fee: 1000yen(to hand out data)